Early Years Library

Services and facilities

  • Children's books and resources
  • Events and workshops
  • Dedicated play and sensory zones
  • Baby weighing stations
  • Parenting books
  • Summer Reading Challenge
  • Children's books and resources
  • Events and workshops
  • Dedicated play and sensory zones
  • Baby weighing stations
  • Parenting books
  • Summer Reading Challenge
Early Years Library Open from...
Monday-Friday 10am-7pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday 10.30am-4.30pm

The Early Years Library at the Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library has been designed so children and their families have the freedom to explore the library and sit and read in comfort.

There are dedicated areas for children to play and use their imaginations, and a sensory zone to encourage them to explore their senses in a calm setting.

The Library has a range of children's books and resources, including board books, picture books and story books, suitable from birth to the age of seven.

There's a selection of the latest parenting books too, offering practical support and guidance for new parents.