Keeping You Safe at The Forum

A member of The Forum Customer Service team with blue polar neck shirt

The Forum is here for everyone. Keeping our visitors, staff, and tenants safe is our priority.

Our Customer Service team are here to help, so if you have a question, need additional support or are worried about something, you can find their office to the right of the building when facing the library. Our staff receive regular training, and will always take your report seriously. 

Customers Services at The Forum

We also have an expert security team, who help keep the building and our visitors safe, as well as continuously monitoring our 87 CCTV cameras. Our CCTV covers every area of the building, so we can provide support quickly. You can find out more in our Privacy Policy.

If you notice anybody behaving oddly, or something doesn’t feel right, please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help and investigate further. Please make sure you don’t leave your property unattended, and if you do notice something which looks unusual, let us know.

There are no public cloakrooms or lockers at The Forum, and we are unable to look after left luggage. We may ask to look in your bag, and always check lost property to make sure it is safe. Please don’t be offended – it’s to help keep everybody safe. The Forum also has an acceptable behaviour policy, which makes sure everyone is comfortable and happy.

We work closely with Norfolk Police (our neighbours) and they help us keep our security procedures up to date, and provide extra security when necessary. We also have a number of other security partners and protocols: all of which are designed to make sure everyone can enjoy visiting the building.