The Forum building and adjacent land on Millennium Plain is private and managed by The Forum Trust.
The Forum Trust recognises that our building and tenants are a focal point for the city and an attractive place to hold a protest or demonstration. However, any planned protests and demonstrations must be pre-arranged and agreed by The Forum Trust.
The Forum Trust can accommodate peaceful protests, at our discretion, as long as we are given prior warning to work with you, access to the building is maintained, our events are not disrupted and visitors or staff don’t feel threatened or intimidated. If this is not possible, then an alternative location must be found for your protest or demonstration.
We would be happy to meet with you or have a conference call to discuss arrangements further, including venue hire costs, so you can raise awareness whilst allowing members of the public to continue to access and enjoy the events at The Forum.
We may ask you to cover the cost of additional security, if needed. If you are planning on photography, filming, or media interviews, the Marketing Team must be informed at least three working days before the event – we reserve the right to refuse filming and photography on the site.
We may liaise with Norfolk Constabulary, and other organisations in advance of the protest. Please note we have an extensive network of CCTV across the grounds and building.
Read our Acceptable Behaviour Policy.
The Forum is here for everyone. Keeping our visitors, staff, and tenants safe is our priority. Our Customer Service team are here to help.
Keeping You Safe at The Forum